Friday, October 25, 2013

TKAM: Week 2: Question D

Scout and Uncle Jack have differing opinions on the use of foul language.  With whom do you agree, and what is your philosophy on the use of such language?  (chapter 9)


  1. I agree with Scout, because she is only a kid. She doesn't know better. She probably doesn't even know what half the words she says even mean. I don't think she is trying to harm anyone with her words only her fists! Which cussing and fighting can get her into some trouble. My philosophy on this particular problem is......She is only a kid she will make mistakes, and this is only a phase she will go through. So Atticus and Uncle Jack shouldn't worry to much about it.

  2. I think that the use of foul language is ok sometimes, but only for older people. Someone Scout's age should not be using those words because it is inappropriate. Uncle Jack was right in punishing her because Atticus already told her not to use those words. Jack should have listened to Scout's side of the story when he punished her though, because she had a good reason to punch him. He should have punished Francis too after he heard Scout's side of the story.

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  4. In a way I agree with both. Scout's in the second grade so it's not like she means any harm by what she's saying. Scout thinks that by saying these words other kids will thinks she's "cool". Eventually Scout will get over this phase which is why I don't think it's a big deal for her to swear. On the other hand as an uncle you don't like it when you hear your niece swearing, but Uncle Jack just has to accept the fact that Scout is stubborn and she most likely won't listen to him when he tells her not to swear.


  5. I mostly agree with Uncle Jack. Little kids shouldn't swear. But at the same time, Scout doesn't mean any harm by it. She just wants Atticus to notice her and stop making her go to school.

    1. I agree with Hailey that little kids shouldn't swear. I also think that Scout shouldn't swear because then Atticus would notice that she was learnin what was right and what was wrong.

  6. I agree with Uncle Jack, because Scout should not be saying these words. I know she is little and probably doesn't even know what they mean, but she needs to learn not to say them. If Uncle Jack doesn't punish her, then she will never learn not to say them. But on the other hand, Uncle Jack also needs to just let her be a kid and let her make mistakes every once in awhile.

  7. I agree with both of them but I agree with Uncle Jack just a little more than I do with Scout. Jack has a good point when he says that Scout shouldn't be using those words. Scout probably doesn't even know what most of those words mean, considering that she even asked what some of them meant.

  8. I agree with Uncle Jack because Scout is still a child and has her entire life ahead of her to swear etc. He's right to correct her language, because she needs to learn sometime that swearing isn't necessarily proper ettiquete. By punishing Scout, she is learning from her mistakes.

    1. I agree with McKenzie, Scout needs to learn not to swear. The only way she can do that is by somebody correcting her. So, I think Uncle Jack is right in punishing Scout.

  9. I agree with both. Aticus says it is just a stage and she will get over it which i agree with. I think Scout doesnt know any better and she doesnt understand what those words actually mean. Also I agree with Uncle Jack because she probably shouldn't be saying those words at her age.

    1. Truee shes only little and if she hear other people use those words she would try to use them to. I think once she get older and long more she will get that she shouldnt use that kind of language. _Aminah Broady

    2. I agree with Miss Elle Rae. Scout doesn't know what the heck she is even saying. Atticus doesn't even care that she does its just a stage she will get over it.

  10. Will to me i dont think you should you that type of language around adults. I just thinks that very rude an disrepeactful that just my opion. You should repeact your elders and not use faul language like that. -Aminah Broady

    1. I agree with aminah that using swear words in front of adults is wrong. In my house that would not go without punishment.

  11. I agree with uncle jack because girls Scouts age should not be using those kinds of words. But Scout doesn't know the true meaning of those words, she probably doesn't understand why people are telling her no. so I agree with both. -Stephanie Schwartz

  12. I agree with both. I believe in some cases it's alright to swear, like sometimes you do something and it just slips out. But on the other hand it should not be used in front of elders because it could be considered rude and disrespectful.

  13. I would have to agree with both. Swearing is bad, but so are a lot of other things. On the other hand Scout is young and shouldn't think it is okay. But then again she is a young girl and may not realize how hurtfull it can be. -Kelsey Szczesny

  14. i agree with both. swearing is bad, scout is also young and shouldnt think its ok.
