Friday, November 1, 2013

TKAM: Week 3: Question A

Scout notes in chapter 13 that "somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had."  Where do you think she got this definition?  Do you agree with it?  What would your definition of "fine folks" be?


  1. I believe she received this definition from Atticus. I think it's a good start, but it doesn't quite complete what fine folks are like. In addition, my definition would be that, and then someone along the lines of Atticus. Someone who respects others regardless of their color, beliefs, or even where they live or what they do. They should be kind, considering, and sort of down to earth.


    1. I agree with Kade. I think that "fine folks" are people who are kind to others, willing to do what's right even if it's not necessarily "popular", and just genuinely good people. "Fine folks" are the kind of people that everybody likes to be around. -Sophie

  2. I think that Scout got the definition from Atticus. Scout seems to gain a lot of knowledge from him. I agree with this definition because people who do the best they can will usually be successful, and considered "fine folks." But also, I would say that you have to be friendly to others. People who aren't, are probably not considered "fine folks" because you wouldn't want to be around somebody who isn't nice to you.

  3. I think that Scout got her definition for either Atticus or her Aunt. I would agree with the definition but, it could also be considered those who are polite to others or care for others. Fine folks could also be used when describing people who use or wear nice or fine clothing. My personal definition is that fine folks are good natured people that you'd want to have around.

    1. I agree with both Scout's and your definition of "fine folks".

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I also agree with Luke and Nathan on their definition of "fine folks"

  4. I agree with Lauren. I think Scout did receive this information form Atticus. Most of the comments and skills that Scout uses right now in the book she has learned from Atticus. My definition of "fine folks" are people who have a lot of money and dress nice. They also need to have a good attitude in front of everyone. -Stephanie Schwartz

    1. I think scout got this from Atticus, Because it sounds like something Atticus would say, I think "fine folks" mean poeple in jeneral.

  5. i think scout got this from atticus, beacuse it sounds like something atticus would say, i think fine folks mean people in genral
