Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TKAM: Week 1: Question D

In your opinion, is Atticus' second piece of advice for Scout ("Sometimes it's better to bend the law a little in special cases") good?  What are some flaws in this idea?  Advantages?  Be specific and give an example.  (page 40)


  1. Response response resljasdf;klsjdf


  2. it's good when it deals with little kids and it's not good when people take it to far

  3. On good thing about Atiicus's advice is that it may just teach his children a lesson. For example, don't just get into a fight like an idiot. Don't taunt, that'll only get you sent to the office. Just duck and dodge, make the person mad, without you yourself harming anyone, or do the Mr. Myagi. A flaw may be that say the bully tells lies. or maybe you did throw in taunts and now you do have ISS. If you wouldn't have made comments about his mom, maybe he wouldn't have thrown that left hook. I think it's a good idea, as long as you don't make that bending the law too public.


  4. i agree with sam its good when it deals with little kids and i its not good when you or anyone else takes it to far.
