Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TKAM: Week 1: Question A

What is "nigger-talk"?  Do you consider this to be an offensive term?  Why or why not?  How should the "N-word" be handled in the classroom?  (page 49)


  1. It seems to me that "nigger-talk" is what would be considered as slang to Culpurnia. I would think that this to be an offensive term because, it might of been acceptable during the time period of the book but is in no way acceptable or even tolerable by today's standards. Also, As far as using it in class that would be up to Mr. Mann to decide but, I think that if it's bad enough for some to have to refer to the word as the N-word it really shouldn't be said.

  2. I believe this "nigger-talk" has something to do with Culpurnia, as if she's using it as a unwanted word. I understand its an offensive word because it could have something to do with blacks, cause the story takes place before they were freed. The N- word should be handle by going through with the children and getting them to really understand how bad this was back in the days, because its the same as saying your not wanted here, and we don't like you. It should not be said in the classroom. No questions asked.

  3. Well "nigger-talk" I think is just poor grammar and strung out phases of hurtful words. People don't realize this may be offensive to some people. I do consider this to be an offensive term. It may of been OK to use "nigger-talk" back then; but now not many people want to hear it and I am one of them. Should the "N-word" be handled in the classroom? Seriously, it shouldn't even be said at all. It is an offensive term to many people. The "N-word" shouldn't even be said in schools at all. It could be taken as bullying.

  4. I think that "nigger-talk" is something that isn't true or something that's made up. Calpurnia said this after Jem told his Hot Steam story. She doesn't believe Jem. Back in the day maybe this wasn't so offensive as it is today. But today it's considered a very offensive term, because it's saying that black people make things up. The "N-word" should never be said in the classroom, because it could offend people, and I think it is very disrespectful.

    1. I would agree with Lauren on this one. When I read this I figured that Scout meant that Jem was saying something that wasn't true, since around the time of this book they used "nigger" as a slang term. I believe this could be an offensive term to some people and should be used in this discussion but in no other situation. -Ashley

  5. I think that "nigger-talk" is a harmful word that should not be used at all, especially in a classroom. In the time period that the book is set in the word just comes natural to people. In today's society, I believe, people are much more respectful and would not use that word. And of course people would get offended by the 'N-word". I think this whole conversation with the "N-word" has something to do with Calpurnia. "Nigger-talk" should not be used in classrooms period.

  6. Calpurnia may believe this is just the way that black people talk. Since there's a good chance Calpurnia is black, it's not like she's harming anyone by saying it. I'm sure that back in the 1930s no one really took offense to the word "nigger"...But, since times have changed we should not be using this word on a regular basis. I think it's appropriate to use this word in the classroom when referring to Lee's text, but not just for "fun". The word can offend people and it can be taken as bullying, even if said as a joke.

    1. I agree with McKenzie's comment, when this book took place the term "nigger" was just something people said and never really thought twice about. In my opinion it's fine for us to say "nigger" in class discussions about this book but not in any other situation, in or out of the classroom. -Sophie

  7. I refer to the talk nigger as a defensive term and it may not be one. Back in the day it wasn't a crime today it is a major crime. It isn't an appropriate term for this in my opinion may not be to others. It is definaetly not talk for the class room. Yhs does not tollerate bullying even if it is used as a joke. -Justin groves

    1. I agree with Justin. Many people today find the world "nigger" as a hurtful/offensive term and shouldn't be said. For this case, it is acceptable since it is part of the book and the history of our country.
