Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TKAM: Week 1: Question C

Do you feel sorry for Miss Caroline?  Why or why not?  What was she feeling throughout the Cunningham incident?  (page 29)


  1. No I did not feel sorry for Miss Caroline because she handled the incident very poorly. If I were her I would have pulled Walter aside and talk in private about why he refused to take the quarter. A bit of confusion and anger towards Scout after not letting Walter explain even though he wasn't planning on telling her.

  2. I kinda feel sorry for her but i kinda dont feel sorry for her. Because the way she treats the other students and scout by htting her hand for being able to read i know that doesnt have anything to do with the questioned but thats why i think she deserved it. The reason why i dont think she did was because she was just trying to help him.

  3. No, I don't feel bad for Miss Caroline because she should've listened to what Scout had to say. Scout was just trying to help out and explain the Cunningham's situation. It was pretty obvious that Scout was telling the truth and not lying about it so there was no reason for punishment. I think that Miss Caroline was feeling confused about why Walter wouldn't take the quarter but that's what Scout was trying to explain.

  4. Well yes and no, she is fairly new to the town so they should cut her some slack. On the other hand she should have at least listened to what Scout had to say. Scout's family has been around Maycomb for a while so it would have been reasonable. -Jeremiah

  5. No, I don't feel all that bad for Miss Caroline. If she would have just listened to Scout this would not have happened. Since she didn't, she payed the price. I think next time she should listen to her students instead of just ignoring them. -Ashley E.

  6. No I really don't feel bad since she ignored the students opinions. In my opinion she was just being ignorant because she wouldn't even let scout talk.

  7. No I do not feel bad for Miss Caroline. In my opinion she gives off an extremely unlikable vibe which makes it hard for me to muster up any sympathy towards her. She should've handled the situation with Walter in private instead of openly in the classroom. Scout was just trying to be helpful and stand up for Walter and his family but in a way she made the situation worse. Either way Miss Caroline is the adult in charge so she should've taken control of her classroom and handled the situation herself. -Sophie Kouri

    1. I agree with Sophie that I do not feel bad for Miss Caroline. She could have handled the whole Walter situation much better. She shouldn't have ignored Scout and then punished her, because Scout was just trying to be helpful.

    2. I agree with Sophie and Lauren in this situation. Miss Caroline should have handled the situation better. She shouldn't have whipped Scout just for trying to help and explain. She gives me a very unlikeable vibe in this situation. I also think she is feeling very self conscious in the situation because she doesn't know anything about the town. So she takes it out on Scout and that was very immature. -Tess

    3. Sophie that is well put. She does give an unlikable vibe. Like when she yelled at Scout for reading and getting a head. Also for making a small situation into a bigger one when Scout tries to stand up. I say that because she whipped Scout in front of everyone. I though that showed the kids not to stand up and help other people. But then again that is what I think.

  8. Yes, Miss Caroline is new to town and doesn't know much about the people. I also don't feel bad for her because she handled the situation poorly. Miss Caroline should have listened to what Scout had to say and trusted her. It was unnecessary for Miss Caroline to punish Scout for trying to help her understand what was occurring. During the Cunningham incident, Miss Caroline was confused and angry.

    1. I'd have to agree with Cortney. Miss Carloline is new and she is obviously finding it hard to fit in with the people of the area. I'm sure in the next few chapters things will start to get better and everyone will understand her a little more. She needs time to adapt and get use to the Maycomb County ways.

  9. I personally feel sorry for her and not at the same time. She is new in the town and doesn't know the dynamics. On the otherhand as a teacher she should have treated scout more respectively. I think its adding tension to increase the readers interest, and in the end of the story she will indeed be a good person contrast to her previous poor decision.

  10. I personally did not feel sorry for Miss Caroline. Because she didn't handle this situation in the right way. I also feel that she punished Scout for no reason. Scout was just telling her about Walter and his family. And why they are the way they are.
    -Kami Cornemann:)

    1. i totally agree with you thats now to treat a kid.

    2. ^^^^^^^^ thats Aminah comment ^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!

  11. In a way i do feel bad for Miss Caroline because she is new to the town and doesnt know anyone or the ways of their small town. Also i think she handled the situation very poorly. She could have pulled him aside or just dropped it. -Elle

    1. I agree with Elle becuase Miss Caroline is new to the town and I think she could have handled it differently also. --Alondra

  12. i kind of feel bad but she shouldnt have treated her students that way-Kellie Castillo

  13. i dont feel sorry for miss caroline cause she didnt handle the situation correctly.
