Friday, January 24, 2014

Forum #2: Elements of Tragedy

You are probably becoming aware that The Crucible is heading in the direction of tragedy.  Choose one of the following characteristics of tragedy below, and answer the question associated with it:

A. The protagonist of a tragedy is a tragic hero.  He is mostly good BUT has a fatal flaw, which leads to his downfall.  What do you think John Proctor's fatal flaw is, and why do you believe this?  How will it contribute to his downfall?

B. Tragedies are characterized by plot reversals, or actions that change the situation from secure to vulnerable (the Greeks called these peripateia).  Name one of these reversals that has occured thus far in The Crucible.

C. In the end, the tragic hero experiences both suffering and insight (the Greeks called this the anagnorisis).  How do you think John Proctor will suffer, and what insight will he gain?


  1. A. I think the fact that he had an afair with abbigail will be his downfall after he told elizabeth that he would never do that.
    Jameson M

  2. A)John Proctor's flaw is his affair with Abigail. This flaw decreases his credibility and is making anything he says viewed as unreliable. It will contribute to his downfall because his voice will never truely be heard as it once was and his presence and opinions will fade into obscurity.
    Jacob Selgestad

    1. I agree, and also think the fact that some feelings seemed to remain would cause problems.
      Zach Lattea

  3. B. Mary and John Proctor were trying to blame Abigail of using witchraft to attempt to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Instead, Abigail turned it around and started to accuse Mary of witchcraft by pretending she changed her shape into a yellow bird who wanted to tear her face. Abigail also made sure to emphasize that it is God's wok she does and how Mary wants to ruin it. This turned suspicion from Abigail and the other girls to John Proctor and Mary Warren.
    -Story Lesher

  4. A. John Proctor's fatal flaw is his affair with Abigail. At that time, lechery was very frowned upon. Though Proctor is not a witch, they could use this evidence against him and his family to show that he is not a perfect man, and could have more downfalls than one.
    Rachel Orton

  5. A. I believe that John Proctor's fatal flaw is his affair with Abbigail. If he didn't have the affair then Abby wouldn't be in love with him, therefore, she wouldn't have tried to get rid of Elizabeth. Because of this affair, John Proctor will either end up with a dead wife or somehow rescuing her and being convicted of lechery himself.
    Rachael D.

    1. I agree. He shouldve never cheated on Elizabeth.
      -Mikayla Schroeder

  6. A. I think John Proctors fatal flaw is Abigal Williams. Since he had the affair with her, she still has a hold on him slightly because of it. Every time John was talked to by Elizabeth or by Mary, they always broght back the affair with Abigal. As we go on Abigal is using that against him to kind of reign him in to get what she wants. And this is a hurdle that John has to jump to save Elizabeth's life.
    -Kess Houck

  7. Option C.
    I think that John Proctor will have gained his wife back and prove that she's not a witch: but, I think that he will lose some respect from his wife or other people around town somehow.
    -Jack Tramp

    1. i think he will lose respect also

  8. A. John Proctors fatal flaw is that he had an affair with Abigail. The court will probably see this as an example not to trust his word so then anything he's says will not help the case.
    Ethan Klimisch

  9. C. i think that john procters flaw is the he may be witched and cant confess it.
    colton diefenderfer

  10. A. I think John Proctors fatal flaw is that he is to worried about his name. If he would have just signed the sheet he would be fine because even though the town of Salem would think of him as a witch he and God would know that he is not. He should stop worring about what others think of his name.
    - Paige Thieman

  11. B. Proctor brought mary into blame Abigail for using the withcraft that was presented in the proctor household. But when Mary was talking to the judge or court Abigail began to accuse Mary of witchcraft by turning into a yellow bird. And when all this happened it turned away from that fact that Abigail was being accused.
    -Olivia Hudson

  12. C. I think that John Proctor will die, but he will learn that he needs to tell the truth. And even if no one else believes him and he still dies, he will know that he did what was right and be happy with that.
    -Erica Westerman

  13. A) John Proctor's downfall is going to be his affair with abby. People are going to start looking and him differently.
    Meagan Eilers

  14. A. I think John Proctor's fatal flaw is Abigal Williams. Having an affair with Abigal probably was a major reason why Elizabeth was taken and why the judge wont believe him that Elizabeth isn't a witch. Abigal just wants him all to herself.
    -Meggie Steiner

  15. A. I think John Proctor's fatal flaw is his affair with Abigail. If he never had his affair with Abigail then she wouldn't have said that Elizabeth was a witch. Also, since lechery was frowned upon in the time period, John Proctor is looked down on because of it and won't be a trusted guy.
    -Allison Sterk

  16. A. I believe John Proctor's fatal flaw is his affair with Abbigial because this is the cause of all his trtoubles. If he had not had this affair with Abby, him and Elizabeth would not be in the sitution they are in. This affair will contribute to Proctor's downfall because he will no longer just be looked upon as a farmer, but as an adulterer.
    -Sarah Rockne

  17. A) John Proctors fatal flaw is his affair with Abigail. When he told Elizabeth be would never be with another women. Elizabeth or John could end up dying or he could save his wife from death.
    -Kelsey Rokahr

  18. A.) I feel that John Proctors fatal flaw is his affair with Abbigail. They are already accusing him of not being a holy man and now that they know this huge sin they will look into him as being a bigger suspect.
    B.) One of the reversals that we have came across sofar in the Crusible is the suspects changing from the girls found in the woods to the women from around town. Nobody really knows who bare whitches they are all just simply pointing fingers.

    Marisa Stucky

  19. C. I believe Proctor will suffer by hanging by the neck until dead, but he will die a person who fought for the truth.
    -Sam Bisgard

    1. I couldn't agree more on this very meaningful answer.
      -Mitch Schlingman

  20. B) A key tragedy was when Mary Warren had taken a poppet of Abigail and stabbed it in its belly. When Mary had done this it made Abigail stab a needle in her own belly.
    -Mitch Schlingman

  21. A.) I believe that Proctor's fatal flaw is his affair with because Abby is just a little whore who likes to play with witchcraft. The fact that Proctor commited this sin could possibly screw him over in court because his wife would not admit to the crime when he confessed.
    - Andrew Coffman

    1. Yeah. i totally agree since he confessed and his wife will not say anything regaurding the subject they will both get charged with withcraft. as she has a poppet with a needle in the stomache and she could not tell the truth in front of the court
      -Samantha Smith

  22. John Proctor's fatal flaw is his relationship with Abby. If this is believed by the court it will ruin his name but he will at least have a chance to get his wife back.
    He could be labeled as a witch for his lack of attendence at church and adultry is a huge sin. Also John did not know all of his commandments so he could be tried and hanged.
    -Evan Greeneway

  23. C. I believe that because of his affair with Abigail, John Proctor's wife will be found guilty by the court. Although this would not be a good situation for Elizabeth, it could be seen as a type of justice for John.
    -Haylee Worm

  24. A
    I think thats John proctors fatal flaw will be Abby after having an affair with her and he told his wife he never would.
    Jacob Hubbs

  25. A. I think John Proctors flaw is how he had an affair with Abigail.
    I think that will be a downfall because nobody wil be able to trust him anymore.
    -Evan Moon

  26. i think john proctors flaw was his affair with abigail. he kept it a secret for too long, but he shouldn have done it in the first place.
    -sarina knox

  27. A- I believe that proctors flaw is that he had and affair with Abigail. He will lose his trust with many and will eventually leave him all alone without either of the women.

  28. B. An example of this is Mary making a doll for Elizabeth as a gift and then they found a needle in the doll. It was holding the doll in place but misread and thought of as a symbol for witchcraft.
    -Anna Wuestewald

  29. I think that John Proctors flaw is that he had an affair with Abigail. He should have never done it in the first place.
    -Mikayla Schroeder

  30. C. I think Proctor will suffer by not able to see his wife. His insight will be to not confess.
    -Spencer Schade

  31. John Proctors fatal flaw is his relationship with abbigail. it is inapproppriate for him to be fooling around with her and he eventually will pay for it.
    -Nick Raab

  32. Option C.
    I believe that John will prove that his wife is not a witch and will get her back. And Salem will began to calm down after this huge issue is mostly settled. Also I believe that Abigail will leave him alone after some turning point in the play. The downfall to this is he will lose respect from the community because he had an affair with Abigail. They will think badly of him from breaking one of the 10 commandments. Also a downfall may be that Abigail will somehow get out of all the lying she has made and will walk free from her crimes she has commited.
    -Maggie W.

  33. B. The situation where Elizabeth needed to say in the court that John had committed adultry was a crutial tragedy that was probably unforseen. As John had said, Elizabeth had never lied before, so she would tell the truth to the court (claiming that he had an affair with Abigail), thus sending Abigail's accusations out the window for proof. Elizabeth though, decided in that moment to lie (supposibly) for the first time and save John's image in the town. When she did this, she ended up dooming not only herself, but many others.
    -Madison D

  34. I also find it messed up that his wife will sit in jail for his actions, especially when he has had a affair with Abby.
    -Parker Kuchta

  35. A. The protagonist of a tragedy is a tragic hero. He is mostly good BUT has a fatal flaw, which leads to his downfall. What do you think John Proctor's fatal flaw is, and why do you believe this? How will it contribute to his downfall?
    His fatal flaw is that he doesn't know the comandments and that he breaks some of them. It will put not only his life in danger but it will also put Elizabeths life in danger
    -Samantha Smith

  36. A. I believe Proctors fatal flaw to be his adulterous actions. This has already lead to an undermining of the community's trust in him, as well as the conviction of his wife. I expect the trend of problems arising from adultery, feelings toward Abby, and lying to continue, and be his downfall.
    -Zach Lattea

  37. I think one of his flaws is not staying loyal and having an afair with Abigail. If he is so christian why did he go against one of the ten commandments?
    -Shannon Cwach

  38. A:
    Proctor is married to Elizabeth, but had an affair with Abigail and then told Abigail that he is done with her. He also lied to Elizabeth putting her on the death bed. Abigail has issues and can not let go of Proctor and wants him to suffer. Plus everyone seems to listen to Abigail when she is the one doing the most lying.
    - Jackie Pajl

  39. A. I think John Proctor's fatal flaw is that he still cares for Abigail. He will try to get this whole conflict worked out without getting her and Elizabeth in trouble. He wants to protect his wife, but he still has feelings toward Abigail which will hurt him and Elizabeth in the end.
    -Kaitlyn Frank

  40. A. He had an affair and lost respect of his wife and can't recite the ten commandment and yet he continues to call himself holy.
    -Dylan Moderegger

  41. I feel that John Proctor's suffering will come in the form of a lessened respect throughout the town at the very least and at the most, a hasty death. Before either of these things happen I believe his insight will be along the lines of a realization that faith, commitment, and honesty are things that are held highly not only withing the bonds of marriage, but within the bonds of a community as a whole. Whether or not he will live long enough to live out this realization remains to be seen.
    - Aaron Felton

  42. A. John Proctors fatal flaw is his affair with abigail because now people can't trust him.
    - Brandon Pavel

  43. B. Mary Warren went from being one of those to testify that people were witches to being accused of witch craft herself.
    -Johanna Lippert
